The Milkman Cometh
In our relentless attempt to expand our selection and bring you all the hottest premium ejuices, we are pleased to announce the addition of The Milkman!
The Milkman Cometh! The geniuses behind the Vaping Rabbit line of premium e-juice are taking us all on a journey to the next level of vaping with The Milkman. The Milkman has taken a warm, toasted fruit tart, thrown it into a blender with a dollop of delicious vanilla bean ice cream and a splash of fresh milk, delivering a truly sensational flavor right to your taste buds in a delicious, vapable, MAX VG bottle. Well balanced and extremely delicious, The Milkman delivers you a perfect vaping experience worthy of being an All-Day-Vape.
It's a tantalizingly complex vape that perfectly bridges the gap between breakfast cereal flavors and dessert flavors.
Each bottle ships in an official Milkman milk carton.
Milkman - Frosted fruit toaster pastry, vanilla bean ice cream, and fresh milk
Enjoy :)