The Monsters Are Coming: Round 2
The Monsters Are Coming and they are bringing spook-tacular vape surprises your way. These prices are scary good and the flavors are larger than life. If you are looking for something new and don't know what you should try, these creatures might have exactly what you are looking for. But don't worry. We here at EJD have added a fail-safe just in case monsters coming at you give you the willies.
If you want a nic salt, might I suggest
However, if you're not into nic salts you still can be chased by monsters. Seriously, monsters do not lay a claim only on nic salts, they've put their stamp on traditional eJuices too. And so there's Ice Monster - Strawmelon Apple. Think there might not be an escape? Ha! Go ahead and worry. There can be no escape. But oh wait, I did promise something, didn't I? Oh, well.
Where's that fail-safe you were talking about, you're asking? Well, if you find that things that go bump in the night scare you, I do have an alternate solution. But don't tell everyone. I mean, if you do that they might all flock to the alternate and you might not get any. You wouldn't want that, right? Ok, so the answer is simple. How about a nice creamy custard? Would that work better for you? Get some Custard Shoppe Salt - Butterscotch today and see for yourself. But don't worry about those monsters too much. They aren't really dangerous. After all, they are not carnivores. They won't eat you. They only want fresh fruit.
So if you are not afraid and you love nic salt be sure to check out Ice Monster Salt and Jam Monster Salt. If you're feeling a little timid, go ahead and try the Custard Shoppe Salt. And if you love monsters but not salt, the answer to your quest might be found by visiting the Ice Monster.