Reviews at eJuice Direct
The eJuice Direct community may have seen our recent push for writing reviews on vape products, and we are so grateful for those who stepped up and sent us their helpful reviews. We are proud to be a national hub for vape users to find and purchase e-Liquids and vaping hardware, and reviews are the backbone for our business. We believe in every product on our website and we have set standards of quality that they all must pass, but you should not just take our word for it; written reviews from other vapers allow the vape community to share ideas, information, and thoughts on products, therefore helping us as a retailer provide better products in the future. Not only that, but reviews help make your shopping experience easier by giving you insight into a device or e-juice and its performance before you buy. All this being said, we are so thankful for the eJuice Direct community and everyone’s commitment to helping each other out.
If you have not left a review on our site yet, feel free to do so by starting on the Review Hub. To leave a helpful review, be sure to include anything and everything you want to say about the product, including something as small as a similar flavor or something as complex as how well it vaped in your device. Any information can help another vape user, so go wild and write as much as you see fit. Next time you shop for a vape product, be sure to check out the reviews and thank the vapers who came before you for leaving their reviews to guide you to your next favorite e-juice. If you have any questions about reviews or vape products, reach out to our Customer Care Team, and our staff will help you find the answers you need.